CMS Info Feeds
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CMS Info Feeds

CMS Review Info/Knowledge Feeds let you add important information to your CMS-related website that is kept up-to-date in one place, but serves from many collaborating CMS websites.

We currently offer five types of info feeds (click for script details):

If you want your CMS added to the CMSML database, so it will appear in our syndicated Lists, Searches, Faceted Directories, and the Feature Comparator, check out the How To or contact

For each feed, you can change the CSS to your own style sheet, and be sure to include all the necessary CSS tags. Read what's in the css/cmsreview.css file to understand which tags you need to support.

For example, to provide a Feature Comparator feed with the double drop-down menus, you need only copy and paste this code into your webpage:

Horizontal Block

HTML Version

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 Version: 49464 | Series: 49464 

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