Content Technology Works |
was held December 16, 2003
View the presenations
and learn how three companies: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Mattel and Unisys,
make sense of the content technology world for the benefit of their
organizations, partners and customers. |
Links |
links are almost all relevant to the topics we cover - even our
"Friends" category. When it is a bit of a stretch we warn you in
Note the new "CMS Features" option in the right column. For more information about this, see our free report on "The Classification & Evaluation of Content Management Systems". Treat the CMS feature information as Beta software - it is incomplete and under development. Please don't base decisions on this information alone.
Content Management ResourcesCamworld CMS list A
great list to follow if you want the down and dirty on implementing a
content management system. Mostly by and for web developers.
CMS Forum CMS Forum is meant to be a complement to the CMS List (at,
but enabling topical discussions of CMS issues. It uses a number of
more modern CMS tools (compared to email list servs) like threaded
discussion forums with moderation of posts (a karma system like
Slashdot that allows anonymous posters), news aggregation (from
Gilbane, Step Two, CMS Watch, and others), and weblogs.
CMS Review The
mission of CMS REVIEW is to provide the resources you need to choose
the best content management system for your organization. They cover
proprietary and open-source products, application development
frameworks and finished out-of-the-box solutions.
CMS Watch A
very useful site managed by well-known content management consultant
Tony Bryne. You can also buy Tony's well-known report on CMS features
Content Wire Paola Di Maio's site covers everything having to do with content.
Dave Krupinski's Webgenz CMS Resources Dave has a product, but this is a useful resource page with a unique collection of links.
Dutch Content Management News, Events, Articles A
useful resource managed by the consulting firm Hartman Communicatie BV.
The site is in Dutch and serves The Netherlands and Belgium. There is
also some material in English.
German Content Management Resource Lot's of information on content management products and other resources. If you speak German, you should check this site out. A
great ad-free site for information, news and advice about web site
searching technology. Maintained by Search Tools Consulting as a
service to the Web community.
Spanish Content Management News & Information A good Spanish language resource for content management information. From Barcelona, but not limited to Spanish news.
University of Washington iSchool Content Management System Evaluation Lab The
University of Washington iSchool Content Management Systems (CMS)
Evaluation Lab studies, designs within, and reports on the emerging
content management industry.
XML ResourcesXML Cover Pages Robin Cover's famous incredibly comprehensive resource on SGML and XML.
XML Hack A great XML news site for developers. A great place to start for anything XML. XML news.
AssociationsAIIM International - Association for Information & Image Management Large
association of document management, records management, imaging,
worklfow, and content management vendors, consultants, and users.
IdeAlliance Was
the GCA. They run the oldest and largest annual XML confernece in North
America, as well as one in Europe, and sponsor standards working groups
including ICE and PRISM.
OASIS A consortium of XML vendors and some users. They develop and promote XML-based standards. Started as SGML Open.
OSCOM OSCOM is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to Open Source Content Management.
FriendsChristine Vaillancourt Well, some might consider this a real
stretch from a relevancy point of view. But the art might help you
think about future repositories of complex and fluid information
objects rich in metadata!
DeepCoolClear Contributor Girish Altekar's site. (And you can get to QPID from there!)
Evident Marketing Editor Emeritus David Weinberger's site.
Lux Scientiae, Incorporated Our excellent web hosting and content management provider.
New Millenium Publishing Associate Editor Bill Trippe's site.
Textuality Editor Emeritus Tim Bray's site.
MiscellaneousGilbane Inc. If you got here looking for Gilbane Building Company or Gilbane Properties, follow this link.
PublicationsThe Seybold Report High
quality and in-depth coverage of publishing technology including
product reviews. There is a fair amount of content management coverage
as well. Seybold Seminars also produce some of our content management
StandardsOASIS A consortium of XML vendors and some users. They develop and promote XML-based standards. Started as SGML Open.
World Wide Web Consortium The international organization responsible for the HTML and XML family of standards.
If you think we are missing a link that is worthy, send an email to

Books / Reviews |
are some of the recent books we like. Some have reviews written by our
crack book reviewer, Associate Editor, and author, Bill Trippe.
Also see our list of links to other useful resources below.
by Bob Boiko
brand-new, comprehensive book from industry guru Bob Boiko. Full of
practical, real world advice and useful discussions and applications.
Bill Trippe tells you what he thinks in our review. Read the review by Bill Trippe.
by JoAnne Hackos
See our February 2002 (Vol 10, Num 1) issue for an excerpt from JoAnn's book.
by Bill Zoellick
Business Guide to Web Property, Privacy, and Patents". Incredibly
well-written and useful book. If you have a software or Web business
you should read this.
by Bill Trippe, Bill Rosenblatt and Stephen Mooney
Editor Bill Trippe's new book is the only place to find broad coverage
of the business and technical issues surrounding digital rights


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