The mission of CMS REVIEW is to give you the resources you need to choose the right content management system for your organization. We manage a network of content management related sites and community mailing lists and we link you to the top CM sites in the world.
Google CMS News
Yahoo CMS News
CM Pros
CMS Info
CMS Wiki
CMS Lists
CMS News
IA Institute
CMS Watch
CMS Matrix
CMS Yahoo
CMS Global
CMS Forum
CMS Report
CMS Google
Key Content
Content Wire
CMS Calendar
CMS Glossary
CMS Directory
Gilbane Report
Rockley Group
Bob Doyle Blog
Gerry McGovern
CMS Search (OS)
CMS Consultants
Content Manager
Comtech Services
EContent Magazine
The Content Wrangler
Metatorial (Bob Boiko)
Welchman Consulting
Content Manager (Germany)
Content Manager (Europe)
Hartman (Netherlands)
Step Two (Australia)
Boomtchak (France)
Clueful (Australia)
Books on CMS
Yahoo CMS News
CM Pros
CMS Info
CMS Wiki
CMS Lists
CMS News
IA Institute
CMS Watch
CMS Matrix
CMS Yahoo
CMS Global
CMS Forum
CMS Report
CMS Google
Key Content
Content Wire
CMS Calendar
CMS Glossary
CMS Directory
Gilbane Report
Rockley Group
Bob Doyle Blog
Gerry McGovern
CMS Search (OS)
CMS Consultants
Content Manager
Comtech Services
EContent Magazine
The Content Wrangler
Metatorial (Bob Boiko)
Welchman Consulting
Content Manager (Germany)
Content Manager (Europe)
Hartman (Netherlands)
Step Two (Australia)
Boomtchak (France)
Clueful (Australia)

Books on CMS
We provide directories with descriptions of over 350 Proprietary CMS, Open-Source CMS, and Hosted CMS services at application service providers.
We separately list "CMS-Lite" products like Forums, News Portals, Weblogs, and Wikis, as well as WYSIWYG Editors and XML Editors for a CMS. We also list News Readers and Weblog Aggregators.
Above all, we want to try to help answer these basic questions.
- What are the defining features of a CMS?
- How can you compare different CMS?
- What are the 15 steps to select a CMS ?
- Should you build, buy, or rent your CMS?
We can not provide help with the much larger problem of analyzing the needs for a CMS in your organization, then implementing a Content Management Solution. For that you need a CMS Consultant and/or an Information Architect.
We are not a news or analysis site. There are several good ones. For your convenience, we publish those with RSS news feeds at CMS News, a CM community news aggregator.
We monitor CMS mailing lists for important insights into CMS developments that should have a permanent home on the web, and edit them for our companion site CMS Forum.
A List of about 75 Content Management Systems now in the CMSML feature comparator database, plus listings of all CMS, sorted by hosted, proprietary, open source, and including news portals, weblogs, and wikis.
A database Search for CMS with specific features.
A Directory of CMS in a faceted classification scheme, which you can arrange into your own hierarchy and view in OPML format.
We prepared a Gilbane Report on this CMS classification effort (CMSML), a joint effort with OSCOM and U. Washington iSchool CMS Evaluation Lab. -
A Feature Comparator, so you can compare two or more CMS products side by side, detail by detail. Try Compare in the banner above (first choose two CMS).
An online database of CMS features editable by vendors and developers themselves or by qualified CMS users. Otherwise, there is no hope of our covering hundreds of products with technical accuracy.
We also publish several "Information Feeds" (something like news feeds). These are snippets of code embeddable in any web page, single-source publishing so CMS-related sites can look more professional without reinventing the same wheels and entering duplicate data. They include:
The List, Search, Directory, and Comparator tools, with a choice of layouts and support for any website's CSS stylesheets.
A CMS Events Calendar feed, so that CM events entered in one database can show up many places on the web.
Several Resources pages (Books, Magazines, Newsletters, Directories, etc.), and feeds of our CMS Product Listings pages (hosted, proprietary, open source, etc.).
A Glossary of CMS terms, a work in progress at a CMS Wiki where you can see 350 more proposed terms needing definitions. You can access about 270 currently defined terms from the drop-down menu at the top right of this page and view definitions in a popup window, or use the GLOSSARY link in the left navigation, which opens definitions in this iframe.
Our Tools section has search engines, spell checkers, web services, Word to XML converters, and more.
We manage several mailing lists for the CMS community. See our Netiquette FAQ for rules of use and subscription information. And see for more CMS-related mailing lists.
We attend many CMS-related trade shows and conferences, and when possible we record videos of the major players in content management. We edit and stream those videos for your use.
If you would like to join a board of advisors for CMS Review, be an editor or just write reviews, please contact us.
Our newest projects are Memography and the Memetic Web. Here's a memelink for our address in Cambridge. (MEMOZIP-02138-6707).
Links at the bottom of the page translate this page. Some translations are computer generated, others are done by our international editors and contributing writers.

Except where otherwise noted,
and where trademarks, logos and artwork clearly do not belong to CMS Review,
this site is licensed under a Creative Commons License